Congratulations and thank you, Civic Music. You folks continue to present wonderful, appealing programs. Clearly the best show in town.
M. G.
When I found out that we were moving back to the Appleton valley, before we even came back to look for housing, I went online, looked-up BCCM and called to join…
This is my second year as a member. I am thoroughly enjoying the variety of performances Civic Music brings to Green Bay. We’re still talking about last year’s concerts!
B. & R.
We’ve been Civic Music members for over 25 years and have missed only 2 concerts, both due to travel–that’s how important CM is to us. We are never disappointed!!
Green Bay Press Gazette: Civic Music Association will host trio in guest concert Saturday
Green Bay Press-Gazette • March 21, 2010
“The trio Intersection will present the fourth concert of the season Saturday for Brown County Civic Music Association.
The trio includes cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper, violinist Laura Frautschi and pianist John Novacek.
Cooper performed previously in Green Bay a number of times as a member of the popular Quartetto Gelato.
Intersection plays romantic, salon-style music, and its players are known for their demonstrative way of playing, said Roger Bintz, who helps book the series for the all-volunteer organization.”
The full story is available on the Press-Gazette website:
March E-Notes
Sat., March 27th–INTERSECTION, piano, violin & cello…
The trio includes cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper, violinist Laura Frautschi and pianist John Novacek, each an accomplished soloist, recitalist and chamber musician. “Diamond-hard brilliance, uncommonly poetic depths…” is the way the Los Angeles Times described them. Based in New York City, the trio will perform a varied program of repertoire from all parts of the music world, from Bizet to Bernstein, from Clair de lune to [pianist] Novacek’s Intoxication in a mix of classical, jazz, Latin & Broadway. Mixing trio, duo and solo formats adds to the aural variety. The group’s numerous recordings have been bestsellers in Asia and have topped the classical and crossover charts.
Civic Music folks welcome back cellist Kristina Cooper, who previously performed here with the ever-popular Quartetto Gelato. Maybe you saw see her perform a solo on the Jerry Lewis Telethon last fall.
The Trio will “meet & greet” concertgoers at Titletown Brewing Co. following the concert. Please join us for conversation & complimentary snacks.
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, narrated by WPR’s Lori Skelton, will close Civic Music’s 83rd season on Sat., May 15th. Here’s a perfect opportunity to acquaint friends & colleagues with the excitement of CM’s outstanding performances and the incredibly affordable cost of membership. A tradition since 1927, the final concert of the season is a bonus concert for new members. That’s right, a free concert for those who purchase a 2010-11 membership. And, again, no increase in membership prices. The five-concert series is still only $80 adults and $25 students. [Single tickets for the MSO concert can be purchased for $35 for adults and $10 for students.]
Classified ads…
Executive Secretary position available. Communication skills, computer skills, organizational skills–the basic requirements of the job. Work out of your home, work around your schedule, and work with Civic Music’s classical music devotees. Interested? Want more info? Call the CM office, 338-1801.
Membership Campaign volunteers wanted.
With the spring membership campaign just around the corner, we’re looking for volunteers to spread the area’s “best kept secret”. Renew & recruit–“old” members & new members! You can be an “official” CM volunteer by calling the CM office, 338-1801.
Button, button, who lost the button?
A black Calvin Klein coat button was found under the table where Jon Nakamatsu was signing CDs at the last concert. Claim it Sat. night at the table in the lobby.

Piano, violin and cello… and three engaging musicians whose soulful expression, instrumental virtuosity and playful performance style make for an unforgettable evening. Their repertoire ranges from tango to bossa nova, from a West Side Story melody to a gossamer Mendelssohn scherzo. Writes the New York Times, “Diamond-hard brilliance, uncommonly poetic depths…breathtaking in precision, dexterity and unanimity of attack.” Cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper has played our series previously with the popular Quartetto Gelato.
Additional Information
May E-Notes…A Season Finale you don’t want to miss:
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra with special guest Lori Skelton of Wisconsin Public Radio narrating the program. Sat., May 15th, 7:30 pm.
An outstanding program:
- MOZART–Overture to Don Giovanni, K. 527
- MENDELSSOHN–Symphony No. 4 in A major, Opus 90, “Italian”
- ROSSINI–Overture to Il barbiere di Siviglia [The Barber of Seville]
- BIZET–Selections from Suite No. 1 from Carmen
- RIMSKY-KORSAKOV–Capriccio espagnol, Opus 34
Reception at Titletown Brewing Company following the concert–y’all come!
New members–this is your bonus concert. Your MSO tickets will be held at the table in the lobby. Doors open at 7 pm.
Renew at the concert–Put your check & membership form in an envelope and drop it in the box on the table. Obviously the price of membership cannot cover the cost of five world-class concerts. Your donation of any amount helps to continue our 83-year tradition of bringing outstanding classical music to Northeast Wisconsin!
Mothers Day Gift–the gift of music. The gift that “gives” 5 times (6, if she’s not presently a member). The MSO on May 15th is a free bonus concert for new members joining for next season. That’s 6 concerts for $80, including two MSO concerts! Call or email the Civic Music office now!
Guests? Tickets for the MSO can be purchased in the lobby–$35 for adults and $10 for students.
We love visitors! Discover everything you ever wanted to know about CM at
- Check out our Coming Attractions–an amazing season awaits us!
- You can renew or puchase new memberships on the website with your credit card. You do not need a PayPal account.
- Leave a message on our Facebook page.
- Want to advertise in the program book? Your business website can be linked on ours!
Annual Membership Meeting
Wednesday, June 23rd–All Civic Music members are invited to attend & participate. Your input & involvement are key to CM’s continuing success. Items on the agenda include the election of board members. 6:30 pm at the First United Presbyterian Church, corner of Webster Ave. & George St. in De Pere.
See you May 15th as we bring down the curtain on another spectacular season !
Attachment Downloads
Bio MSO & Chafetz [.docx]
Lori Skelton 2010 [.doc]
Program notes-2010 [.docx]
Press Gazette: Brown County Civic Music Association mixes familiar, new for 84th season
By Warren Gerds • May 9, 2010
“Brown County Civic Music Association is looking forward to its 84th season of bringing to Green Bay an array of artistic talent from around the world. But first, it will close its 83rd season Saturday with a performance by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra.
The concert will be narrated by Lori Skelton, a classical music announcer for Wisconsin Public Radio. Civic Music and the network have cross-promoted each other a lot lately, and Skelton’s appearance is another example. Stuart Chafetz will return to lead the Milwaukee Symphony, with which he is resident conductor. He also heads the Maui Pops Orchestra.
Saturday’s program will be classical: “Overture to ‘Don Giovanni'” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, “Symphony No. 4 (‘Italian’)” by Felix Mendelssohn, “Overture to ‘The Barber of Seville'” by Gioacchino Rossini, “Espana, Rhapsody for Orchestra” by Emmanuel Chabrier, “Excerpts from ‘Carmen’ Suite No. 1” by Georges Bizet and “Capriccio Espagnole, Opus 34″ by Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov.”
Full story available here:
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

This concert was narrated by Wisconsin Public Radio’s Lori Skelton.
A Civic Music tradition, back once again by popular demand, the MSO presents an up-close and in-person evening with one of the nation’s premier professional orchestras. Navigating both delicate passages and bold fortissimo movements with equal facility, the acclaimed, in-demand ensemble of 85 world-class musicians continues to reach new heights.