Brown County Civic Music presents Jitro
Meaning “Daybreak” in Czech, Jitro is more than just a girls’ choir from Hradec Kralove, a town in the Czech Republic. It is an organization of 500 children in seven preparatory ensembles, of which only the best 25 to 30 qualify to tour. For 35 years they have been admired around the world for their tonal brilliance, superb intonation, distinctive rich blend of sound and energetic vitality. Considered one of the best children’s choirs in the world, Jitro will perform as part of the Brown County Civic Music series. During their stay in Green Bay, the Czech girls, ages 14-19, will be guests of members of the Green Bay Girl Choir and their families.

March 3rd—7:30 pm; doors open at 7:00 (open seating)
Ralph Holter Auditorium in Green Bay West High School
Tickets: $25, adults; $10 students
Reception for concertgoers at Titletown Brewing Company following concert or 920-338-1801 for more information
See also:
The complete biography of Jitro
The program to be performed
The season listing
Since 1984 the choir has won 17 international competitions. In 2003 Jitro achieved the absolute victory, competing with 171 choruses from all over the world, at the international Songs Festival in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Jitro participated in six categories and won six gold medals.
The most recent USA tour, in 2008, included the Overture Center in Madison, WI. Their last overseas tour took place in Japan 2010, where the choir celebrated their new CD, “The Eternal Rainbow”, recorded in Tokyo and finalized in Czech Republic. Jitro CDs will be sold at the Civic Music concert.
Artistic director and conductor Professor Jiri Skopal, Ph.D. has been associated with the Czech Girls’ Choir since 1977. In 1982, he also formed a boys’ choir. A teacher, professor and the head of the Department of Music at University of Hradec Kralove, Prof. Skopal has published essays and choir education textbooks and is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Professor Skopal works with accompanist Michael Chrobak.