You’re invited: Celebrate Civic Music, Civic Music history and Green Bay history!
Join us for the unveiling of what promises to be our community’s biggest and best season of classical music in years!
WHAT: Campaign Kickoff and All-Membership Luncheon
WHEN: Saturday, April 13, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
11-noon, registration/reception; noon meal; 12:45 program
WHERE: Historic Crystal Ballroom, restored Northland Hotel
A return to Civic Music’s longtime former campaign ‘headquarters’
MENU: Tarragon Dijon Chicken
With gnocchi, shaved brussels, salad, breads, dessert and more
MUSIC: The Griffon String Quartet of Door County
Elegant reception music and brief featured performance during program
HOW: $20 per person, members and guest(s)
RSVP at concerts (table in lobby) or mail; Payment to BCCM by April 6